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Just Arrived – New Products

We recently launched a few new products. All these new lines have amazing health properites & great taste!

SOOTHE / Green Rooibos,Fennel & Aniseed Green Rooibos Contains natural anti-oxidants which help to prevent cancer & combating free radical damage in cells. Green Rooibos alleviates allergies – asthma, hay-fever, eczema. Green Rooibos has anti-spasmodic qualities and alleviates colic & stomach cramps in babies. Green Rooibos replaces essential minerals, iron, potassium, zinc & sodium. Green Rooibos is soothing on the nervous system – excellent for hyperactive children. Green Rooibos contains an antioxidant “Nothofagin” that Controls blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes .
Fennel Help with digestion, anti-septic, treat colic, stimulates lactation
Aniseed Antiseptic properties, cough soother etc. Relieves colic in babies, increase milk production in mothers.
Description High level of antioxidants because of the green Rooibos.Fennel and Aniseed have antiseptic properties and may relieve colic and stimulate Lactation in mothers.
REVIVE / Green Rooibos, Ginger & Chilli Green Rooibos Contains natural anti-oxidants which help to prevent cancer & combating free radical damage in cells. Green Rooibos alleviates allergies – asthma, hay-fever, eczema. Green Rooibos has anti-spasmodic qualities and alleviates colic & stomach cramps in babies. Green Rooibos replaces essential minerals, iron, potassium, zinc & sodium. Green Rooibos is soothing on the nervous system – excellent for hyperactive children.Green Rooibos contains an antioxidant “Nothofagin” that Controls blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes .
Ginger Help with morning sickness, circulation stimulant, anti-septic, relieve spasms
Chilli Circulation stimulant, Anti-septic (high in Vit. C)
Description Very high in antioxidants because of the Green Rooibos and the Ginger and chilli have anti-inflammatory property. Traditionally used to treat coughs and colds.
COOKIES & CREAM Rooibos Contains natural anti-oxidants which help to prevent cancer & combating free radical damage in cells. Rooibos alleviates allergies – asthma, hay-fever, eczema. Rooibos has anti-spasmodic qualities and alleviates colic & stomach cramps in babies. Rooibos replaces essential minerals, iron, potassium, zinc & sodium. Rooibos is soothing on the nervous system – excellent for hyperactive children.
Coconut May improve cholesterol and digestion
Cookies & cream flavour Add Flavour
VANILLA MOCHA Rooibos Contains natural anti-oxidants which help to prevent cancer & combating free radical damage in cells. Rooibos alleviates allergies – asthma, hay-fever, eczema. Rooibos has anti-spasmodic qualities and alleviates colic & stomach cramps in babies. Rooibos replaces essential minerals, iron, potassium, zinc & sodium. Rooibos is soothing on the nervous system – excellent for hyperactive children.
Coffee beans Source of caffeine & contains nutrients and anti-oxidants
Vanilla and Coffee flavour Add Flavour
GREEN ROOIBOS Green Rooibos Contains natural anti-oxidants which help to prevent cancer & combating free radical damage in cells. Green Rooibos alleviates allergies – asthma, hay-fever, eczema. Green Rooibos has anti-spasmodic qualities and alleviates colic & stomach cramps in babies. Green Rooibos replaces essential minerals, iron, potassium, zinc & sodium. Green Rooibos is soothing on the nervous system – excellent for hyperactive children.Green Rooibos contains an antioxidant “Nothofagin” that Controls blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes .