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100 years.
What did Madiba leave us? A legacy of values. A love for children. A challenge.
“It is in your hands to make the world a better place”.
It is that time again. To commemorate and to celebrate and to ask ourselves, what are we doing to make the world a better place? Making the world a better place does not always lie in the big things. Simply helping to make ONE life better also helps…it becomes a legacy to that person. So, instead of worrying (and doing nothing) about the big impact you want to make, let’s start today, reach out, and touch one person. If we all did that, very soon, the world would become a better place.
We chose to make this day about our children. Join us. Reach out to a child.
“The true character of society is revealed in how it treats its children “
At Carmién tea part of our investment in our children are the four after school care centres and crèches on our farms. Here the little ones are cared for during the the working day and after school it becomes a place of homework and creative projects once they’ve had a good lunch.
Our recycle card making project supports their creative curiculum by improving concentration, practical skills and problem solving. Our aim is not just to teach our children the value of recycling, repurposing and to create less waste, but also to think creatively. It is not just a one day activity but a lifestyle of awareness we seek to create.
Of course it it never without fun and laughter as you will see in this short video. Watch how your Madiba day cards were made and enjoyed by all.
In the words of Nelson Mandela,
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”
Get your own personal handmade card with every online purchase made during June and July or sign up online to become a Tea Club member which will get you a card and a free gift on your birthday if it is in June or July!
We thank our children, Colourtone Aries for donating the printing, and the staff of The Pebbles Project for assisting in rolling out the project every month at each of our crèches and after school care centers.