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Holiday experiences & happy hours

Experience the goodness of rooibos this holiday This year has been chaotic enough, it’s time to embrace the Summer sunshine and create some memories with family and friends. Here are a few ways that you can experience rooibos this holiday. Plan a day trip to our Carmién Tea Shop at De Tol Farm Deli to…

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Visit the Carmién Tea Shop at De Tol Farm Deli

Experience Rooibos like never before at the Carmién Tea shop This year has brought many changes for us, including the opening of our very own Carmién Tea Shop at the De Tol Farm Deli located on the Piekenierskloof Pass on the N7 to Citrusdal. This shop has been a dream of owner Mientjie Mouton for…

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Wine, Food and Tea pairings

When last have you had a really good time? Lurking in the back of our minds is always more than just tea. Like a great experience. Worth more than your best purchase. Our vision has always been to draw our customers and clients into an experience and not just sell them a product. As our…

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