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August News from The Farm

While flood repairs are coming the end, weather patterns in the Western Cape remain unsettled, almost as if winter and summer are in disagreement, constantly fighting for control which has made it a difficult planting season. Although there has been so much rain, it is actually a dry season. The heavy downpours drain away quickly…

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Rooibos MTB by CarmiƩn

Bright red banners led the way as the Rooibos MTB by CarmiĆ©n event kicked off its maiden race on a super cold morning up on the Piekenierskloof Mountain Pass. The brave, the fearless, the inquisitive, the dedicated workers and organisers, and spectators were there, huddled in tents or around open drum fires sipping the now…

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News from the Farm: April 2023

Winter has shown up early with many bouts of rain and cold pushing the completion of harvest time to early May. It is a struggle to dry the tea with so many cold days and very little sun but the tea quality is excellent. On the farms, field maintenance continue and seedlings sown in March…

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Khoi and San TK Levy Payout

The indigenous Khoi and San people of South Africa, the first people who used the rooibos plant as a tea, signed a groundbreaking agreement with the South African government whereby they will benefit from the commercialisation of Rooibos. As of 2019 a levy of 1.5% of the farm gate price of all rooibos tea is…

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