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Rainforest Alliance Standard

What does the new Rainforest Alliance Standard (and Seal) mean?

The recent changes to the RA programme promises even more improvement in Providing a Path to More Resilient and Inclusive Agricultural Practices.

The Rainforest Alliance Seal guarantees:

  • Improved livelihood for producers, farm workers, their families and communities.
  • Prevents deforestation, promotes reforestation, protects biodiversity, and mitigates the consequences of climate change.
  • Improved efficiency and reduced costs, which often result in higher earnings.
  • Builds climate resilience through climate-smart agricultural methods.
  • Improves the health of farmers, workers and their families.
  • Protects the rights of workers and children.
  • Respects the rights of communities.
  • Protects and enhances forests and other ecosystems.

In a nutshell, by being part of the Rainforest Alliance you promote environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability for farming communities.

Why are Carmién Tea and our subcontracted processing facility going to follow the new RA standard?

We believe sustainability shouldn’t stop being a focus at the farm gate and that buyers in certified supply chains should provide increased support to farmers to work more sustainably. This year (2022) Carmién Tea/Bergendal Rooibos will undergo the Transition RA audit, possibly in April. Our trusted Rainforest Alliance farms must also undergo their transition farm audits before their 2021 Rainforest Alliance certificate expires.

We fully support the Rainforest Alliance’s Certification Program which aims to foster not only transparency but also responsible business practices by companies throughout the supply chain.

In summary, the  Rainforest Alliance’ standard is based on these

4 Pillars for creating a sustainable standard:

Livelihoods: contributing to lifting rural people out of poverty by improving sustainable livelihood opportunities for farmers, workers, and their families

Climate: training farmers to grow better crops using climate-smart agriculture, which help them mitigate and adapt to climate impacts.

Forests and biodiversity: promoting more sustainable land management practices to protect forests, biodiversity, and natural resources.

Human rights: addressing human rights abuses like child and forced labour, low wages, poor working conditions, and gender inequality

For more information on what lies behind the new Rainforest Alliance seal, read more here.