Home » Tea with a difference

Tea with a difference

Carmién tea has gone cold. Ice cold in fact. Why?

Enter CARMIÉN ICE TEA! With a difference…A unique ALL NATURAL ice tea.

No sugar. No calories. No caffeine. 100% natural ingredients. No preservatives. Refreshing, hydrating, pure deliciousness. Hot brewed for extra taste and flavor.

Now in two Great Flavours:

  • Carmién Green Rooibos with Camomile,Ginger & Chilli
  • Carmién Green Rooibos with Lemongrass, Ginger & Mint

Ideal for the whole family, kids and babies from 6 months old. The fit and the unfit. The sweet tooth and the health conscious.

Apart from being all natural, what’s so special about CARMIÉN ICE TEA? No sugar.

Added sugar is the enemy of the modern diet.

We can’t ignore it. Not for ourselves nor for the sake of our children. The latest research shows that sugar is highly addictive, even more addictive than cocaine. It promotes obesity, causes insulin resistance which leads to diabetes, contributes to cancer and raises cholesterol which leads to heart disease. There’s more, but, enough said.

CARMIÉN ICE TEA is the perfect drink when you’re tempted to reach for something sugary, or when you’ve done your daily exercise. When you’re out strolling with baby. Or a diabetic. Oh ok, when you’re slouching in front of the television too!

Healthy too! Soothing on the nervous system. A great digestive aid which helps with weight loss, significantly lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, fights cancer and heart disease. Alleviates allergies. Alleviates colic & cramps in babies. Excellent for hyper-active children. And more.

Be the difference. Get the difference.

Live life the way it’s meant to be lived.

Long, happy, healthy.