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Wine, Food and Tea pairings

When last have you had a really good time?

Lurking in the back of our minds is always more than just tea. Like a great experience. Worth more than your best purchase.

Our vision has always been to draw our customers and clients into an experience and not just sell them a product. As our products increase, our list of great experiences just keeps on growing. So we have a steadily building collection, all playing a role in the big picture.

  • We started pairing rooibos tea with food bites in the office when food pairings were nowhere near the buzz word it is today
  • In the process tea and chocolate pairings became a solid favourite and are currently being hosted on demand both in the Cape and Johannesburg area.

Tea at the centre of it all!

  • Then we added food and wine. Suddenly life became a whole lot more interesting!
  • In February we had our first wine, food and tea pairing at the annual Woordfees celebration in Stellenbosch

All set for wine, cheese and tea pairing

  • This was followed by a wine, cheese and tea pairing on Sandringham farm atthe South African Cheese and Wine Festival in April

Some serious tasting taking place.

Now we are spreading our wings with pairings among the vats in our wine cellar at Piekenierskloof wines and come summer we are heading out into the vineyards with a long table setting. You should get yourself an invite to that!

Vat room turned into tasting room complete with chandeliers!

Our glass teapots are becoming a familiar face at the table and time and again sturdy non-tea drinkers are converted to the amazing pair-ability of rooibos tea. From palate cleanser to hydrating drink to food bridge between courses. Its place is set. And each time the mix of wine, food and tea just gets better. Of course, the settings add to the whole experience. We may just have one amongst the citrus orchards next!

Speaking of citrus…watch this space for some new additions to our pairing experiences. Our lips are sealed. Al we can say is that it tastes good, very good!

From just tea to chocolate to a few things much stronger than tea! Tea seems to be just the perfect partner for most things in life.

What did Kevin Costner say in the movie Field of Dreams? “If you build it they will come”. All part of the dream. Living life fully, one sip at a time.